Krystol Waterstop System
Krytonite Swelling Waterstop is a synthetic rubber waterstop that uses swelling pressure to seal concrete construction joints and stop water.
Krytonite has superior swelling pressure and performance that stops water better than bentonite and competing swelling waterstops. It is suitable for use with regular ground water as well as salt and sulfate contaminated water. Krytonite is extremely durable and will not deteriorate over time. It can be used by itself as a single protection waterstop, or with other components of the Krystol Waterstop System as a double or triple protection option for construction joints.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
North America |
Anguilla |
Antigua dhe Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamas |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermuda |
Dominica |
El Salvador |
Grenada |
Grenlandë |
Guadeloupe |
Guatemala |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë |
Ishujt e Virgjër të SHBA |
Ishujt Kajman |
Kanadë |
Karaibe Holandë |
Kolektiviteti i Shën Martinit |
Kosta Rika |
Kubë |
Kuraçao |
Martinique |
Meksikë |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
Panama |
Porto Riko |
Republika Domenikane |
Saint-Barthélemy |
Shën Kitts dhe Nevis |
Shën Lucia |
Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon |
Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet |
Shtetet e Bashkuara |
Sint Maarten |
Trinidad dhe Tobago |
Turks dhe Caicos Islands |
Xhamaika |