UNIMIX is a regulation unit designed to deliver water from a high temperature generator to the most suitable temperature for distribution in radiant circuits. All essential functions are achieved by just two components: mixing, boosting, drain/filling, air purge, shutoff, temperature monitoring and safety shutdown. Mixing is performed in a 3-way valve controllable from a fixed point or using climate compensation. Management of the radiant system is completed with distribution manifolds and relative accessories. It is also possible to divert a direct branch upline of the mixer thanks to a special set of manifolds, which can be selected either as simple versions or with shutoff valves. All UNIMIX components are available with pre-formed insulation casing, which makes the system suitable for applications in heating or cooling.
UNIMIX•C is a mixing system that, thanks to attentive simplification, has been developed to become a compact version of UNIMIX without losing its functional and performance features. All UNIMIX C components are available with pre-formed insulation casing, which makes the system suitable for heating or cooling applications.
Power (*): approx. 15 kW.
*Boiler temperature 60 °C; flow temperature with radiant system 40 °C with temperature variation of 7 °C; 8-way distribution manifolds
Rajoni i disponueshëm
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Togo | |||||
Tunizi | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |