ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones - H30/H35
ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones - H30/H35
ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones - H30/H35
ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones - H30/H35

    ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones - H30/H35

    ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones is a self compacting concrete to be used in reinforced concrete foundings. It flows due to its own weight throughout the reinforcement filling the whole cast. ECOPact concrete is sold at a range of low-carbon levels, from 30% to 50% less carbon emissions compared to standard (CEM I) concrete.  Its applications include heavily-reinforced concrete structures, pile and wall foundations, surface foundations such as isolated or strip footings. Installation can be done by direct load by either bucket or pump. The maximun distance between loading points is 7m. Concrete timing must be appropiate for the formwork admisible pressure. The aggregates particle size must be appropiate for the casting. It maintains its slef-leveling properties in a concrete mixer truck for two hours after its manufactered.
    • ECOPact® Agilia® Cimentaciones (HA-30/AC/12/XC2 - HA-35/AC/12/XC2)

      ECOPact Agilia Cimentaciones is a self-compacting concrete for all types of foundations elaborated in a plant with 2h maintenance of rheological properties, a compressive strength of 30 and 35 N/mm2, a maximum aggregate size of 12 mm for exposure classes of type XC2, fluidity of 550 to 600 mm, according to current regulations.

      The ECOPact range of concrete has its own Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).

    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unikeEcopact_agilia_cimentaciones_H30_H35
    • Familja e produkteveECOPact Agilia
    • Grupi i produkteveConcrete
    • LlojiMaterial për ndërtim
    • Data e botimit2022-02-23
    • Numri i botimit1
    Të ngjashme
    • Materiali kryesorBeton
    • Materiali dytësorBeton
    • Projektuar nëSpanjë
    • Prodhuar nëSpanjë
    • Kategoria BIMobjectMateriale ndërtimi - Beton
    • IFC classificationMaterial
    • Emrin UNSPSCConcrete and mortars
    • UNSPSC code301115
    • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_20_85_13
    • Uniclass 2015 PërshkrimConcrete base and foundation products
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code03 00 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleConcrete
    • OmniClass Number23-13 31 00
    • OmniClass TitleStructural Concrete Products
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeA10
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleFOUNDATIONS

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