Hörmann has a commercial steel pan door to meet any specification. Our 254P door is a standard duty 24-gauge steel. All models are manufactured to Hörmann’s quality standards.
Door panels are constructed using a special preparation process that includes hot dipped galvanizing that is applied to the steel substrate, followed by a baked-on polyester base coat, then a durable baked-on polyester finish coat. This layering creates a long-lasting surface finish for maximum protection against adverse effects of the elements. Precisely designed tongue and groove section joints along with a double end stile design add to overall structural integrity. Bottom section safety fixtures contribute to safety, and optional full cavity HCFC-free polystyrene insulation (R value 7.4) helps save on energy costs and support a quiet workspace.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
North America | South America |
Anguilla | Argjentinë |
Antigua dhe Barbuda | Bolivi |
Aruba | Brazil |
Bahamas | Ekuador |
Barbados | Guiana franceze |
Belize | Guyana |
Bermuda | Ishujt Falkland (Islas Malvinas) |
Dominica | Kili |
El Salvador | Kolumbi |
Grenada | Paraguaj |
Grenlandë | Peru |
Guadeloupe | Suriname |
Guatemala | Uruguay |
Haiti | Venezuela |
Honduras | |
Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë | |
Ishujt e Virgjër të SHBA | |
Ishujt Kajman | |
Kanadë | |
Karaibe Holandë | |
Kolektiviteti i Shën Martinit | |
Kosta Rika | |
Kubë | |
Kuraçao | |
Martinique | |
Meksikë | |
Montserrat | |
Nikaragua | |
Panama | |
Porto Riko | |
Republika Domenikane | |
Saint-Barthélemy | |
Shën Kitts dhe Nevis | |
Shën Lucia | |
Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon | |
Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet | |
Shtetet e Bashkuara | |
Sint Maarten | |
Trinidad dhe Tobago | |
Turks dhe Caicos Islands | |
Xhamaika |