Durability and efficiency for doors and specialty applications
ClimaGuard® HP Neutral 70 represents a new standard in durable high performance low-E glass. Designed for use in light commercial and residential applications, Neutral 70 provides the optical clarity and energy performance traditionally associated with sputter coatings.
THICKNESS 3 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Tempered Laminated Heat Soaked Heat Strengthened
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 3210 x 6000 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Laminated: 2 Double glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Insulating Glass Unit, Laminated
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia | Africa |
Afganistan | Afrika e Jugut |
Arabia Saudite | Algjeri |
Bahrain | Angolë |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Benin |
Irak | Botsvanë |
Iran | Burkina Faso |
Izrael | Burundi |
Jemen | Çad |
Jordan | Cape Verde |
Kuveit | Côte d'Ivoire |
Liban | Djibouti |
Oman | Egjipt |
Pakistan | Eritrea |
Palestinë | Eswatini |
Qatar | Ethiopia |
Siria | Gabon |
Gambia | |
Gana | |
Guine | |
Guinea Ekuatoriale | |
Guinea-Bissau | |
Kamerun | |
Kenya | |
Komora | |
Lesoto | |
Liberi | |
Libi | |
Madagaskar | |
Malawi | |
Mali | |
Marok | |
Mauritius | |
Mavritani | |
Mayotte | |
Mozambik | |
Namibia | |
Niger | |
Nigeri | |
Republika Demokratike e Kongos | |
Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | |
Republika e Kongos | |
Reunion | |
Rwanda | |
Sahara Perëndimore | |
São Tomé dhe Príncipe | |
Senegal | |
Seychelles | |
Shën Helena | |
Sierra Leone | |
Somalia | |
Sudan | |
Sudanin Jugor | |
Tanzania | |
Togo | |
Tunizi | |
Uganda | |
Zambia | |
Zimbabwe |