9000XE is a complete range for kitchens and bathrooms. The range is future-proofed with new energy-saving functions and flow rates and sustainable, lead-free materials that meet current legal and market requirements. The whole range is available in chrome or in brushed chrome – manufactured in Mora by professionals, for professionals and for aspiring professionals.
9000XE products come in two finishes – chrome or brushed chrome. The material is durable and lead-free, and meets your project’s high sustainability requirements. We are highly committed to ensuring that our mixers have a long lifespan, whichever finish you choose.
9000XE kitchen mixers have optimised flow rates that meet current legal and market requirements. They are equipped with smart, innovative, energy-saving functions such as cold start, soft closing, a temperature limiter function and an energy- and water-saving aerator. In addition, these kitchen mixers have a durable chrome or brushed chrome surface finish and suit any kitchen, whatever its size. Choose between a C-spout, a U-spout and a flexi-spout.
9000XE kitchen mixer with flexi-spout in chrome has a detachable hand shower. With a detachable spout and a choice of jet settings, it is versatile, practical and flexible.
This kitchen mixer is lead-free and equipped with our smart, innovative, energy-saving functions such as cold start, soft closing, a temperature limiter function and an energy- and water-saving aerator.
Chrome. Flexi-spout. With dishwasher valve. Flow; 6 l/min. Art.no: 8615-0010 RSK: 8312227
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