Standard sizes are (in meters):2700, 4000, 5300, 6600, 7900, 9200 mm. If you need an even longer shelter, please be in touch with our customer service for additional help.
Vivid 2-sided is compatible with all of our bicycle stand models: CubiQ Premium and Standard, Treo, U2 and FiPo.
Vivid is a stylish and compact bicycle shelter. This shelter fits perfectly even into more demanding locations where ease of access clear visibility is a must.
All Finbin shelters are CE certified for maximum safety.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe |
Åland Islands |
Andorra |
Austri |
Belgjikë |
Bjellorusi |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë |
Bulgari |
Danimarkë |
Estoni |
Finlandë |
Francë |
Gërnzi |
Gjermani |
Gjibraltar |
Greqi |
Holandë |
Hungari |
Irlandë |
Ishujt Faroe |
Ishulli i Njeriut |
Islandë |
Itali |
Jersey |
Kroacia |
Letoni |
Liechtenstein |
Lituani |
Luksemburg |
Mali i Zi |
Maltë |
Maqedonia e Veriut |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar |
Moldovë |
Monaco |
Norvegji |
Poloni |
Portugali |
Qipro |
Qyteti i Vatikanit |
Republika Çeke |
Rumani |
Rusi |
San Marino |
Serbia |
Shqipëri |
Sllovenia |
Slovakia |
Spanjë |
Suedi |
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen |
Switzerland |
Ukrainë |