Intelligent Smoke Detector with Optional CO Sensor

Intelligent Smoke Detector with Optional CO Sensor

4.4 out of 5 stars4.4(14 reviews)


The Signature Optica Series SIGA-OSCD smoke detector brings advanced optical sensing technology to a practical design that increases efficiency, saves installation time, cuts costs, and extends life safety and property protection capabilities. Continuous self-diagnostics ensure reliability over the long-haul, while environmental compensation helps reduce maintenance costs.

The SIGA-OSCD provides a combination of optical detection for the early detection of smoke, with the added element of carbon monoxide sensing. The result is a detector that pulls double duty: continually monitoring the environment for signs of fire, as well as its invisible yet deadly companion, carbon monoxide.

Like all Signature Optica Series detectors, the SIGA-OSCD is an intelligent device that gathers analog information from multiple optical sensors, converting this data into digital signals. Utilizing dual optical wavelengths combined with multiple detection angles, the SIGA-OSCD differentiates particles that are not representative of actual smoke. Particle data is input into digital filters which feed a series of ratios removing signal patterns that are typical of nuisance sources, thus reducing unwanted alarms. To make an alarm decision, the detector’s on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes all optical sensor readings and compares this information to preprogrammed settings. The detector also analyzes the smoke sensor independently from the CO sensor to determine whether to initiate a fire alarm, a life safety CO alarm, or both.

Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikeedwards-utc-85001-0619
  • Familja e produkteveElectronics
  • Grupi i produkteveFire/Smoke Detectors
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2017-12-07
  • Numri i botimit1
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorPlastik
  • Projektuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
  • Prodhuar nëKinë
  • Kategoria BIMobjectAparateve kundër zjarrit - Mbrojtje
  • IFC classificationAlarm
  • Kodi ETIMEG000056
  • Emri ETIMFire protection systems
  • Emrin UNSPSCSmoke detectors
  • UNSPSC code46191501
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_75_75_30_65
  • Uniclass 2015 PërshkrimPoint smoke detectors
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code28 31 46
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleSmoke Detection Sensors
  • OmniClass Number23-29 29 13 11
  • OmniClass TitleSmoke Detectors
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeD40

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North America
Shtetet e Bashkuara