Wiring-ready sliding pocket door system for double door with jambs
The counterframe is specific for plasterboard walls (open structure version) and masonry walls (closed pocket version).
Patented technology, ECLISSE Luce was the first sliding pocket door system to allow the installation of light fittings, thermostats and switches in the same wall in which the sliding system is hosted, with no need for counter walls that reduce the living space.
The counterframe is designed to allow the insertion of wires and the installation of electrical boxes directly onto the pocket, so that you can equip the wall for lighting and, above all, always have the switches at hand beside the doorway.
Available in single- and double-leaf versions, it can host up to 10 electrical boxes (5 on each side) in the single-leaf version and up to 20 electrical boxes (5 per side on each pocket) in the double-leaf version.
It can accommodate wooden doors and glass doors.
It is also available with acoustic kit for the soundproofing of adjacent rooms.
Attention: ECLISSE products have country-specific dimensions.
Download the file with the corresponding country extension or contact the company for further information.
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Europe | Africa | North America | South America | Oceania | Asia |
Andorra | Afrika e Jugut | El Salvador | Ekuador | Fiji | Gjeorgji |
Austri | Algjeri | Guatemala | Kili | Kaledonia e Re | Japoni |
Belgjikë | Botsvanë | Honduras | Kolumbi | Papua Guinea e Re | Jordan |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Côte d'Ivoire | Kanadë | Peru | Polinezia franceze | Korea e jugut |
Bulgari | Egjipt | Kosta Rika | Samoa | Singapore | |
Danimarkë | Eswatini | Meksikë | Turqi | ||
Estoni | Gana | Nikaragua | Vietnam | ||
Finlandë | Kamerun | Panama | |||
Francë | Komora | Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon | |||
Gjermani | Lesoto | ||||
Greqi | Madagaskar | ||||
Holandë | Marok | ||||
Hungari | Mauritius | ||||
Irlandë | Mozambik | ||||
Ishujt Faroe | Namibia | ||||
Islandë | Seychelles | ||||
Itali | Tunizi | ||||
Kroacia | Zimbabwe | ||||
Letoni | |||||
Liechtenstein | |||||
Lituani | |||||
Luksemburg | |||||
Mali i Zi | |||||
Maltë | |||||
Maqedonia e Veriut | |||||
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | |||||
Moldovë | |||||
Norvegji | |||||
Poloni | |||||
Portugali | |||||
Qipro | |||||
Republika Çeke | |||||
Rumani | |||||
San Marino | |||||
Serbia | |||||
Shqipëri | |||||
Sllovenia | |||||
Slovakia | |||||
Spanjë | |||||
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Ukrainë |