The Tourlock 120 is the security revolving door of choice when space is limited, combined with the need for larger door compartments. This three-wing automated security door is a reliable, comfortable security entry solution that effectively prevents tailgating and piggybacking. The three-wing configuration has an alternating rotation direction that ensures traffic from either side of a secured area is controlled while delivering a large and comfortable segment space. Users entering and leaving the building can, however, authorise themselves simultaneously, the second authorisation will be remembered, and rotation will start as soon as the first passage has been completed.
Tourlock 120 - The Comfortable and Secure Security Revolving Door
The three wings have the advantage of providing more space in each segment, which gives the authorised user a comfortable experience when travelling through. It offers a slightly lower throughput than its sister – the Tourlock 180 and is the ideal solution when comfort, high security and predominantly single direction traffic applies.
By offering various operating functions, the Tourlock 120 delivers a flexible entrance that can be adapted to the changing demands within a 24 hour operation cycle.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia | Europe | Oceania | Africa |
Afganistan | Austri | Australi | Algjeri |
Arabia Saudite | Belgjikë | Fiji | Egjipt |
Armeni | Bjellorusi | Guam | Marok |
Azerbaixhan | Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Ishujt Cook | Tunizi |
Bangladesh | Bulgari | Ishujt Marshall | |
Brunei | Danimarkë | Ishujt Minor Periferik të Shteteve të Bashkuara | |
Butan | Estoni | Ishujt Pitcairn | |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Finlandë | Ishujt Solomon | |
Filipinet | Francë | Ishujt Veriore të Marianës | |
Gjeorgji | Gjermani | Kaledonia e Re | |
Indi | Greqi | Kiribati | |
Indonezi | Holandë | Nauru | |
Irak | Hungari | Niue | |
Iran | Irlandë | Norfolk Island | |
Izrael | Islandë | Palau | |
Japoni | Itali | Papua Guinea e Re | |
Jemen | Kroacia | Polinezia franceze | |
Jordan | Letoni | Samoa | |
Kamboxhi | Lituani | Samoa amerikane | |
Kazahstan | Luksemburg | Shtetet Federale të Mikronezisë | |
Kinë | Mali i Zi | Timor-Leste | |
Kirgistan | Maqedonia e Veriut | Tokelau | |
Korea e jugut | Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Tonga | |
Korea e Veriut | Moldovë | Tuvalu | |
Kuveit | Norvegji | Vanuatu | |
Laos | Poloni | Wallis dhe Futuna | |
Liban | Portugali | Zelanda e Re | |
Malazi | Qipro | ||
Mongoli | Republika Çeke | ||
Myanmar (Burma) | Rumani | ||
Neoal | Rusi | ||
Oman | Serbia | ||
Pakistan | Shqipëri | ||
Palestinë | Sllovenia | ||
Qatar | Slovakia | ||
Siria | Spanjë | ||
Sri Lanka | Suedi | ||
Taiwan | Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | ||
Tajlandë | Switzerland | ||
Taxhikistan | Ukrainë | ||
Turkmenistan | |||
Turqi | |||
Uzbekistan | |||
Vietnam |