BA-ALR-12 Aluminum Recessed 1/2" Panel with Hidden Flange
The BA-ALR-12 Aluminum Recessed 1/2" Panel with Hidden Flange offers you an Incredible range of applications for non-rated surfaces throughout your industrial, commercial, and residential projects. This unique access panel is free of handles and hatches, leaving a smooth and unobstructed surface, making it perfect as an easily concealed, stealthy access panel.
BA-ALR-12 provides easy operation and installation for a surface-mounted access panel with a removable door, ideal for electrical and mechanical professionals, contractors, HVAC technicians, and plumbing specialists!
Why Should You Consider BA-ALR-12?
Construction professionals enjoy the lightweight and efficiently handled BA-ALR-12, which comprises entirely Aluminum. This light unit is ideal for multiple non-rated applications, from drywall installations to ceiling access covers. BA-ALR-12 utilizes a 1" exposed flange constructed of cold rolled steel where it counts. The unit is easily placed and installed on your chosen surface.
With a push-and-latch locking mechanism, BA-ALR's door panel is completely removable for full access when required. Once removed, the panel door remains securely in place, suspended by retaining cables for easy replacement once the job is complete!
BA-ALR-12 is a low-profile, subtle access door that seamlessly blends with your décor. Architects and contractors will rejoice at how easy it is to integrate this model into your design.
Best Access Doors
We are looking forward to supplying your building project!
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