The brand “bauroc” symbolize a wide range of building products from autoclaved aerated concrete, which are used throughout the field of construction. Word “bau” is “construction” in German language and second part of the word “roc” means, that all products are made from ecological stone material – natural mineral-based autoclaved aerated concrete.
Bauroc group, with headquarter in Estonia, is the largest producer of aircrete i.e. autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) products in the Northern Europe. The family owned group which was established 2001, operates two state of the art AAC factories in Estonia and Latvia. The machinery of both plants come from two of the most famous German manufacturers -Wehrhahn and Hess.
High quality, purely natural and mineral raw materials as well as modern technology guarantee that bauroc products are among the leading autoclaved aerated concrete products worldwide thanks to their technical properties. Bauroc is a member of the European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association EAACA and all products have the CE certification. Thanks to high quality products, the bauroc brand has become popular in many countries. Bauroc wide range of products are sold in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Switzerland and Germany.
There has been continuous process in product development and product mix has increased significantly during 20 years in business. bauroc product portfolio includes wide range of block products, reinforced lintels, large roof and wall elements, instruments, dry mixes and accessories for installing the products. We are not speaking only about very light aircrete products, but much larger product mix.
bauroc brand can be recognised from bright orange colour, all products have been wrapped in orange folio during the whole 20 years in business.
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