The ASSA ABLOY DL6130CA combidock autodock is an externally installed and self-supporting dock leveler that is ideal for applications where there are insufficient installation possibilities within the building. It is the optimal solution for docking bays where vehicles of various sizes are loading and unloading. For smaller vehicles only the 1000 mm wide middle section of the lip is extended. For loading and unloading large vehicles, the full 2000 mm wide lip can be extended.
The ASSA ABLOY DL6130CA combidock autodock system meets the standard demands of most loading operations and fully complies with rules and regulations of the European Standard EN 1398.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | Asia | Africa |
Åland Islands | Afganistan | Afrika e Jugut |
Andorra | Arabia Saudite | Algjeri |
Austri | Bahrain | Angolë |
Belgjikë | Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Benin |
Bjellorusi | Irak | Botsvanë |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Iran | Burkina Faso |
Bulgari | Izrael | Burundi |
Danimarkë | Jemen | Çad |
Estoni | Jordan | Cape Verde |
Finlandë | Kuveit | Côte d'Ivoire |
Francë | Liban | Djibouti |
Gërnzi | Oman | Egjipt |
Gjermani | Palestinë | Eritrea |
Gjibraltar | Qatar | Eswatini |
Greqi | Siria | Ethiopia |
Holandë | Turqi | Gabon |
Hungari | Gambia | |
Irlandë | Gana | |
Ishujt Faroe | Guine | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Guinea Ekuatoriale | |
Islandë | Guinea-Bissau | |
Itali | Kamerun | |
Jersey | Kenya | |
Kroacia | Komora | |
Letoni | Lesoto | |
Liechtenstein | Liberi | |
Lituani | Libi | |
Luksemburg | Madagaskar | |
Mali i Zi | Malawi | |
Maltë | Mali | |
Maqedonia e Veriut | Marok | |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Mauritius | |
Moldovë | Mavritani | |
Monaco | Mayotte | |
Norvegji | Mozambik | |
Poloni | Namibia | |
Portugali | Niger | |
Qipro | Nigeri | |
Qyteti i Vatikanit | Republika Demokratike e Kongos | |
Republika Çeke | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | |
Rumani | Republika e Kongos | |
Rusi | Reunion | |
San Marino | Rwanda | |
Serbia | Sahara Perëndimore | |
Shqipëri | São Tomé dhe Príncipe | |
Sllovenia | Senegal | |
Slovakia | Seychelles | |
Spanjë | Shën Helena | |
Suedi | Sierra Leone | |
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Somalia | |
Switzerland | Sudan | |
Ukrainë | Sudanin Jugor | |
Tanzania | ||
Togo | ||
Tunizi | ||
Uganda | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe |