B 30 - High strength, cementitious, non-shrink precision grout

B 30 - High strength, cementitious, non-shrink precision grout

B 30 is an advanced, cementitious, structural grout. It has a blend of portland cement, graded aggregates and additives. B 30 is versatile and can be prepared to be of flowable or pumpable consistency by adding the required amount of clean water. This free flowable grout can be used in gap width of minimum 10mm.
  • B 30: @ 27 ± 1ºC Water / Powder Ratio Pourable consistency 0.16 Flowable consistency 0.17 Free flow consistency 0.18 Flow: 190 - 220 mm Time for expansion - Start: 15 minutes Finish: 2 hours Fresh wet density depending on actual consistency used: Approximately 2280 kg/m³ Expansion characteristics overcomes plastic settlement in the unset material: An expansion of 2 - 4% VOC Content: 5.85 g/l Compressive strength Water / Powder Ratio: 0.18 BS: 6319 (Part 2) 1 day 25.0 N/mm² 3 days 47.0 N/mm² 7 days 58.0 N/mm² 28 days 66.0 N/mm² Flexural strength BS: 6319 (Part 3) 1 day 3.0 N/mm² 3 days 6.0 N/mm² 7 days 7.0 N/mm² 28 days 10.0 N/mm² Tensile strength BS: 6319 (Part 7) 28 days 3.7 N/mm² Pull out bond strength 7 days 17.0 N/mm² 28 days 24.0 N/mm² Modulus of Elasticity ASTM C 469-94 40,000 N/mm²
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikeB-30
  • Familja e produkteveConcrete Repair, Anchors & Grouts
  • Grupi i produkteveAnchors & Grouts
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2020-01-06
  • Numri i botimit1
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorCementitious
  • Projektuar nëIndi
  • Prodhuar nëIndi
  • Kategoria BIMobjectMateriale ndërtimi - Beton
  • Emrin UNSPSCInterior finishing materials
  • UNSPSC code3016
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code09 93 23.53
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleInterior Finishing
  • OmniClass Number23-15 00 00
  • OmniClass TitleInterior and Finish Products
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeC30

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