148-BF Series Shower

148-BF Series Shower

The 148-BF Series roll-in shower features innovative installation design, including an engineered leveled base and improved front threshold with molded integral linear trench drain. A true time and money saver, our pre-leveled base lets you install directly on a level floor. And its front threshold is engineered to keep a constant level with the innovative nailing flange.
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikeaquaticbath-148bf
  • Familja e produkteveShower Compartments
  • Grupi i produkteveFreedomLine Trench Drain Collection
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2016-10-06
  • Numri i botimit1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectSanitar - Dushe

Rajoni i disponueshëm

North America
Shtetet e Bashkuara