ALUCOBOND® riveted system = rear ventilated facade system: A recommended flat panel installation for vertical or horizontal panel layout with visible fixing of the flat panels. The panels are fixed with rivets on a aluminium subframe system.
ALUCOBOND® is the world market leader for aluminium composite panels. Since its introduction on the market in 1969, these panels have been used above all in architecture and for corporate identity programmes, particularly for façades, wall and roof cladding. The panels are outstanding due to their extreme flatness and rigidity and, in particular, for their excellent formability with simple fabrication techniques. ALUCOBOND® combined with a rear-ventilated construction system unites the features of energy efficient construction, economic viability and architectural quality.
ALUCOBOND® is available in a large variety of colours, surfaces and formats. In terms of Fire Classification it is available in Class A2 (noncombustible) or alternatively in Class B (fire-retardant) acc. to EN 13501-1.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | Africa | Oceania |
Åland Islands | Afrika e Jugut | Australi |
Andorra | Algjeri | |
Austri | Angolë | |
Belgjikë | Benin | |
Bjellorusi | Botsvanë | |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Burkina Faso | |
Bulgari | Burundi | |
Danimarkë | Çad | |
Estoni | Cape Verde | |
Finlandë | Côte d'Ivoire | |
Francë | Djibouti | |
Gërnzi | Eritrea | |
Gjermani | Eswatini | |
Gjibraltar | Ethiopia | |
Greqi | Gabon | |
Holandë | Gambia | |
Hungari | Gana | |
Irlandë | Guine | |
Ishujt Faroe | Guinea Ekuatoriale | |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Guinea-Bissau | |
Islandë | Kamerun | |
Itali | Kenya | |
Jersey | Komora | |
Kroacia | Lesoto | |
Letoni | Liberi | |
Liechtenstein | Libi | |
Lituani | Madagaskar | |
Luksemburg | Malawi | |
Mali i Zi | Mali | |
Maltë | Marok | |
Maqedonia e Veriut | Mauritius | |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Mavritani | |
Moldovë | Mayotte | |
Monaco | Mozambik | |
Norvegji | Namibia | |
Poloni | Niger | |
Portugali | Nigeri | |
Qipro | Republika Demokratike e Kongos | |
Qyteti i Vatikanit | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | |
Republika Çeke | Republika e Kongos | |
Rumani | Reunion | |
Rusi | Rwanda | |
San Marino | Sahara Perëndimore | |
Serbia | São Tomé dhe Príncipe | |
Shqipëri | Senegal | |
Sllovenia | Seychelles | |
Slovakia | Shën Helena | |
Spanjë | Sierra Leone | |
Suedi | Somalia | |
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Sudan | |
Switzerland | Sudanin Jugor | |
Ukrainë | Tanzania | |
Togo | ||
Tunizi | ||
Uganda | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe |