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Z884 4-3/4" Wide Shallow Linear Trench Drain System

Z884 4-3/4" Wide Shallow Linear Trench Drain System

4.8 out of 5 stars4.8(8 reviews)

Channels shall be 40 [1016] long, 4-3/4 [121] wide reveal and have a 3-1/4 [83] throat. Modular channel sections shall be made of 0% water absorbent Polypropylene. Shall have a positive mechanical connection between channel sections that will not separate during the installation and shall mechanically lock into the concrete surround a minimum of every 10 [254]. Channels shall weigh less than 2 lbs.[.9kg] per linear foot, have a smooth, 1.634 [41.5] radiused self cleaning bottom with a Manning’s coefficient of .009 neutral 0% built in slope. Channels shall have rebar clips standard to secure trench in its final location. Shall be provided with standard HPP grates that lock down with lockdown bars to the channel and is not intended for dynamic traffic loadings. Zurn 4-1/8 [105] wide reveal Longitudinal Heelproof Polypropylene Grate is rated class A per the DIN EN1433 top load classifications. Supplied in 20 [508] nominal lengths with .25 [6] wide slots, and .75 [19] bearing depth. Grate has an open area of 18.57 sq. in per ft. [39,307 sq. mm per meter].


  • Saves labor up to 75% – lightweight durable polypropylene construction
  • Integral rebar clips for elevation set
  • Mechanical interlocking connections
  • Shallow depth
  • USA configurable

Keywords: Wide Shallow Linear Trench Drain System, Linear Trench Drain System, Zurn Trench Drain Installation, Out Door Trench Drain System, Residential Trench Drain System

Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаzurn-z884
  • Тип продукцииLinear Trench Drain Systems
  • Группа продукцииHDPE
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2018-01-25
  • Номер версии1
  • Ширина (дюймы)4.75
  • Глубина (дюймы)41.25
  • Основной материалПолипропилен
  • Вспомогательный материалПолипропилен
  • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Категория BIMobjectСантехника - Водоотведение
  • Код Uniclass 2015En_50_30
  • Описание Uniclass 2015Drainage and wastewater collection
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201422 14 26.19
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Facility Trench Drains
  • Номер OmniClass23-39 29 13 19
  • Наименование OmniClassSurface Water Drainage Systems