The VIVOTEK's FD816C-HF2 is a recessed-mount fixed dome network security IP camera offering up to 30 fps at 2-Megapixel resolution with superb image quality, even in the darkest hours of the night. Due to its compact size, the camera is able to blend into any surroundings such as banks, retail stores, restaurants, offices and more.
Featuring the improved Wide Dynamic Range Technology, WDR Pro, the FD816C-HF2 provides superior visibility in high-contrast lighting environments with a 2-shutter capture method, and with SNV technology, it makes high-quality full-color surveillance video possible under low-light conditions. At the other end of the spectrum, 3D Noise Reduction Technology allows users to enjoy an increased level of image detail in extremely dark environments without consuming or wasting unreasonably high bandwidth.
To dramatically reduce file sizes and conserve valuable network bandwidth, the FD816C-HF2 supports Smart Stream and industry-standard H.264 compression technology. Combined with the ST7501 multi-lingual 32-channel recording software, users can quickly and easily set up an IP surveillance system that's simple to operate but hard to beat.
Key Features
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