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Stair Wrap - Metal (Soffit)
Stair Wrap - Metal (Soffit)
Stair Wrap - Metal (Soffit)
    VIVA Railings

    Stair Wrap - Metal (Soffit)

    Elevate your design vision with VIVA Railings' STAIR WRAP Systems, the latest innovation in architectural railings. Designed to integrate harmoniously with our railing solutions, STAIR WRAP offers a visually seamless transition with transoms and soffits below stairs and balconies, forming a cohesive "wrap-around" effect inspired by the needs and feedback of our discerning customers.

    STAIR WRAP Metal System

    Achieve design flexibility with the STAIR WRAP Metal System from VIVA Railings. Crafted to perfection, this system offers a sleek and cohesive "wrap-around" aesthetic that harmonizes with stairs and balconies. Select from an array of design options, including intricate laser-cut patterns and minimalist solid panels, each available in striking metallic finishes.

    Integrated LED lighting further elevates your design, with backlit or glow effects that bring contemporary elegance to your space. Built for longevity and modern appeal, the STAIR WRAP Metal System combines high-quality craftsmanship with limitless design potential for commercial projects.

    • SOFFIT


      Stainless Steel (304 or 316)


      Stainless Steel: #6 Satin or CERASHIELD
      Aluminum: Anodized / CERASHIELD


      2" wide with 14GA thickness. 4'-0" max. O.C. w/ LED linear option.

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаstair-wrap-metal-soffit
    • Тип продукцииOthers
    • Группа продукцииStair Wrap Glass & Metal
    • ТипСтроительные материалы
    • Дата публикации2025-01-17
    • Номер версии1
    • Основной материалНержавеющая сталь
    • Вспомогательный материалСталь
    • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Категория BIMobjectСтроительство - Перила
    • Классификация IFCПерила
    • Код ETIMEC012260
    • Название ETIMHandrail system
    • Код Uniclass 2015Ss_25_15_60_35
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Handrail systems
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201405 52 00
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Metal Railings
    • Номер OmniClass23-17 25 11 11 17
    • Наименование OmniClassRailing

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