LS850WU - 1920 x 1200 Resolution, 5,000 ANSI Lumens, 1.36 - 2.18 Throw Ratio
Bright and versatile for any professional installation, the ViewSonic® LS850WU WUXGA laser projector delivers everything you need for big screens in big venues. Delivering 5,000 lumens of advanced high brightness, 300,000:1 contrast ratio, and up to 20,000 hours* of light source life, this projector is ideal for auditoriums, lecture halls, large boardrooms, houses of worship, and more. Thanks to SuperColor™ technology, content is brought to life with captivating color, crisp graphics, and stunning videos no matter the environment. This top-notch performer is also easy to deploy and manage with its wide 1.6x optical zoom adjustment, vertical/horizontal keystone, 4 corner adjustment, and a vertical/horizontal lens shift feature that provide extreme flexibility in even the most challenging installations. Thanks to the built-in HDBT receiver, the projector is capable of receiving uncompressed HD video and audio from over 200 feet away via network cable. Moreover, 360-degree tilt angle projection, portrait mode, and 24/7 operation allow for extreme mounting flexibility. The ViewSonic® LS850WU is the ideal WUXGA laser projector for professional installations, large venues, and business and education environments.
*Light source life may vary based on actual usage and other factors.
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