Catnic Urban standing seam roof and cladding is the latest innovation from Catnic. A sustainable pre-finished steel roofing and cladding system designed for the residential and commercial market. Catnic Urban is a fully supported standing seam system, designed, manufactured and CE Marked in accordance with BS EN 14783:2013.
Catnic Urban is manufactured from Tata Steel’s Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® pre-finished steel, making it a cost effective alternative to traditional copper and zinc standing seam roof systems. Seven times lighter than clay or slate tile equivalents, it’s easy to handle on site and quick to fix compared with traditional roofing products.
Catnic Urban standing seam roof and wall cladding is lightweight, durable and easy to install. Available in a range of colours, the system provides an original and modern roofline for any property; for pitched roofs as low as 5°.
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