Available in an amazing palette of 64 colours across a range of formats and accessories, iQ Optima is a genuine multi-solution offer adapted for education and healthcare facilities. Part of the iQ range, this collection offers extreme durability as well as superior wear, stain and abrasion resistance for heavy-traffic areas, giving it one of the best life-cycle costs on the market. No need for polish or wax, a simple dry-buffing is enough to restore this floor's original appearance.
Доступно в регионах:
Южная Америка | Северная Америка |
Аргентина | Белиз |
Боливия | Гватемала |
Бразилия | Гондурас |
Венесуэла | Коста-Рика |
Гайана | Мексика |
Колумбия | Никарагуа |
Парагвай | Панама |
Перу | Сальвадор |
Суринам | Тринидад и Тобаго |
Уругвай | |
Чили | |
Эквадор |