Ideally suited to a commercial setting, DESSO Essence Stripe adds a sense of youthful playfulness to the DESSO Essence product family, boasting a linear design with stripes in varying thicknesses, and a palette of refreshing colours. The low level loop pile tile has a strong commercial base, with five neutral options including anthracites, greys and beiges, as well as seven more vibrant shades of red, orange, blue and purple. Each of the 12 colours can easily be combined with DESSO Essence, DESSO Essence Maze and DESSO Essence Structure for endless opportunities in creative flooring design.
Доступно в регионах:
Южная Америка | Северная Америка |
Аргентина | Белиз |
Боливия | Гватемала |
Бразилия | Гондурас |
Венесуэла | Коста-Рика |
Гайана | Мексика |
Колумбия | Никарагуа |
Парагвай | Панама |
Перу | Сальвадор |
Суринам | Тринидад и Тобаго |
Уругвай | |
Чили | |
Эквадор |