SportsArt delivers another innovation in cardio equipment with the G260 ECO-POWR™ Rower. The latest in our long line of sustainable solutions, the rower offers an effective full-body workout that marries our exclusive energy-generating technology with a luxury experience. Our electromagnetic braking system produces energy as you move and mimics the real-world feeling of rowing on the water. Wireless resistance adjustments give users complete control over their workout, fine-tuning their experience to their preferences. Biomechanically focused foot pedals effortlessly rotate at the appropriate pivot point—maintaining comfort at the foot and ankle while minimizing stress on the plantar fascia. A color-changing LED light even indicates the amount of watts being generated in real-time, providing key insights and potential coaching cues. One of the industry’s most effective training modalities, the G260 ECO-POWR™ Rower provides efficiency, usability, reliability and sustainability—workout after workout.
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