Spacesaver’s 920 Series: Preservation Cabinet - Double Visual Door
With a reconfigurable interior and a sturdy, modular frame, the Spacesaver 920 Series offers a unique combination of versatility and strength. Fill it with trays today and years down the road; after collections have grown or changed, the cabinet interiors can be reconfigured with drawers, hanging rods, or other accessories. These modular cabinets can also be stacked, bolted together, or mounted on compact storage systems to gain capacity within the same footprint.
This model is Spacesaver 920 Series Preservation Cabinet with a single solid door with Emka style lever action handle, vents, and no base.
The Spacesaver 920 Series offers the features you’ve come to know and trust over the years. Every cabinet is designed from the ground up to protect collections and provide efficient, convenient access.
Widths: 30”, 36”
Depths: 18”, 24”, 30”, 36”
Heights: 42”, 60”, 72”, 84”, 96”
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