The FireScreen-EW90 fire curtain is classified for room closure for 120 minutes (E120) and for limitation of thermal radiation for more than 90 minutes (EW90).
With its compact structure, this curtain system blends seamlessly into the room look and provides ideal protection in case of fire. Thus, the fire curtain FireScreen EW is ideal as a compensatory measure or as an alternative in the requirement for increased fire protection.
The FireScreen curtain system consists of several components that together ensure smooth operation and long life. The curtain fabric (8 mm thick polyurethane coated fabric) is rolled up on a precise winding shaft and is held in position by a 230V electric motor with built-in electromagnetic brake. In an emergency, the brake is released and the curtain closes quickly.
Thanks to the gravity-fail principle, the curtain can still be closed reliably even in the event of a power failure. The rolling box and the side guide rails are discreet and compact. The fire curtain system easily integrates into the building and room design.
In the case of fire, a strong heat radiation develops, which can also ignite objects that are further away from the source of the fire. The fire curtain FireScreen EW is equipped with an 8 mm thick polyurethane coated fabric and reduces heat radiation for up to 90 minutes. Thus, the fire curtain prevents the fire from spreading and keeps the smoke away.
The fire curtain FireScreen EW90 is CE certified according EN 16034 - after the installation the system receives the CE marking and the Declaration of Performance.
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