KIMAX® Acid Waste Drainline System
Model 6685 Adjustable Thread Adapter is designed to mate 1.5" threaded tailpieces to 2" expanded inlets of KIMAX Traps. The 6685 can be moved up or down on the tailpiece for space adjustments.
The most sustainable and economical acid waste system on the market. Check out many of the features KIMAX® has to offer:
A mechanically coupled system that is the easiest & most secure way to process acid waste in any setting. No special tools, epoxies, or fusing systems needed to connect system components - cut pipes to length on site with one easy to use hand held tool & couple to glass, polymer, IPS, lead, steel, or plastic pipes without any issues.
With a mechanical joint you can use and reuse your system however you choose as your needs change – all you need is a ratchet! KIMAX® can keep up with all the changes that happen over the lifetime of a facility while keeping renovation expenses at a minimum.
Borosilicate Glass is used to create the vessels and containers that most lab chemicals are stored in, petri dishes & pipettes are made of & due to it’s inert properties most corrosive & many radioactive isotopes are stored in making it the only real & sustainable option for your acid waste system.
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