KIMAX® Acid Waste Drainline System
The Model 6704 Swivel P Trap is available in the following sizes:
1.5" x 1.5"
2" x 1.5"
2" x 2"
The most sustainable and economical acid waste system on the market. Check out many of the features KIMAX® has to offer:
A mechanically coupled system that is the easiest & most secure way to process acid waste in any setting. No special tools, epoxies, or fusing systems needed to connect system components - cut pipes to length on site with one easy to use hand held tool & couple to glass, polymer, IPS, lead, steel, or plastic pipes without any issues.
With a mechanical joint you can use and reuse your system however you choose as your needs change – all you need is a ratchet! KIMAX® can keep up with all the changes that happen over the lifetime of a facility while keeping renovation expenses at a minimum.
Borosilicate Glass is used to create the vessels and containers that most lab chemicals are stored in, petri dishes & pipettes are made of & due to it’s inert properties most corrosive & many radioactive isotopes are stored in making it the only real & sustainable option for your acid waste system.
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