Royal Corinthian manufactures RoyaLite™ fiberglass cornice and entablature, also called FRP or GFRP cornice. The cornice is made with polyester resin that is reinforced with 35% to 40% fiberglass: fiberglass is pound for pound stronger than steel, which results in a lightweight cornice that is unrivaled when it comes to longevity, price, ease of installation, and limited maintenance. We offer hundreds of standard cornices, all of which are easily modifiable to create even more options. We manufacture simple fiberglass cornice starting at 4” in height to complex cornice that is over 60” in height. We have fiberglass cornice that has integral brackets, corbels, modillions, blocks, or triglyphs, which significantly lowers installation costs as compared to cornices that have those elements loose. Customization is relatively inexpensive due to our in-house pattern and mold making capabilities.
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