The OSREN0913 Powrmatic N-SHEV Natural Ventilator & Smoke Ventilator from Powrmatic provides a smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems for a wide range of applications. The Roof Opensky N-SHEV Natural & Smoke Ventilator can be mounted on the roof either on an upstand, into glazing or a roof soaker sheet and is available in a range of dimensions, control operations and finishes.
N-SHEV Natural & Smoke Ventilator can also be used as an automatic opening ventilator (AOV) and can be used in the stairwells of flats and office buildings where protecting the common escape routes is of paramount importance. The roof opensky can be manufactured in a range of sizes to match the required Approved Document B or geometric free areas.
The Roof Opensky can be used for natural ventilation or smoke ventilation and can be integrated into a fire alarm system. As soon as the alarm is activated, the AOV automatically fully opens creating a “chimney effect”, which discards the existing smoke, therefore making it possible for people to find the exits and for Firefighters to extinguish the fire accordingly
Product Benefits:
Please note a turndown base/ upstand will need to be built:
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