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San Jose Tall Fluted Planter Pot
San Jose Tall Fluted Planter Pot
San Jose Tall Fluted Planter Pot
    Pots, Planters & More

    San Jose Tall Fluted Planter Pot

    Elegant and distinctive, our Santa Jose tall fluted planter pot takes the classic vase shape and adds an interesting twist, an updated take on the traditional. This planter pot will add a note of style and sophistication to any space.

    • A smooth, fluted design elevates a classic planter to a modern must-have.
    • The pot’s distinctive look brings attention to any installation.
    • Choose understated neutrals for a minimal look or make a statement with bright, high-impact hues.

    Using The San Jose Tall Fluted Planter Pot In Your Space

    Made with an elegant shape capable of accommodating a range of decors, the San Jose tall fluted planter pot works well with traditional, modern, classic, and minimalist decors. 

    This fluted planter is perfect for indoors to highlight an area with a dramatic twist. While being effective and stylish indoors, this planter is suitable for outdoor use as well, so it can also be placed to great effect outdoors along walkways, on a patio, or flanking a doorway of a business. Use the San Jose fluted planter for a dramatic yet inviting appeal anyone is sure to love. 

    Choose from several sizes to find the right outcome for the needs of the space and design vision. We also offer a range of color choices to help bring the area to life in fresh, new ways. Whether looking for a dark blue, friendly yellow, or a pretty pink, we have all the shades you need to pull off your vision in vivid color. This planter is made with durable fiberglass and your choice of hand-painted finish for a long-lasting addition to any space.

    • Drainage: Drainage holes are optional

      Material: Fiberglass

      Finish: We offer a wide range of U.V. resistant finishes

      Dimensions & Weights

      69587.16 – 16″D x 30″H – 12.5″D opening – 11.5 lb

      69587.22 – 22″D x 40″H – 18″D opening – 21 lb

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылка69587-san-jose-tall-fluted-planter-pot
    • Тип продукцииPlanters
    • Группа продукцииRound
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2021-05-18
    • Номер версии1
    • Основной материалFiberglass
    • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Страна-производительВьетнам
    • Категория BIMobjectЛандшафтный дизайн - Мебель для улицы
    • Классификация IFCПредмет мебели
    • Название по ССКПУ ООНFurniture and Furnishings
    • Код ССКПУ ООН56
    • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_45_63_63
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Plant containers
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201432 94 33
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Planters
    • Номер OmniClass23-11 27 13 17
    • Наименование OmniClassPlanters
    • Код CSI UniFormat IIE20
    • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIFURNISHINGS

    Доступно в регионах:

    Северная Америка
    Соединенные Штаты Америки

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