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Montroy Cube Square Planter Boxes
Montroy Cube Square Planter Boxes
Montroy Cube Square Planter Boxes
    Pots, Planters & More

    Montroy Cube Square Planter Boxes

    Our Montroy Cube Square Planter Box turns heads and makes a bold statement wherever it is placed. Each one is molded from thick, high-quality fiberglass that is ultra-durable and extra tough. 

    The sleek Cube shape offers a timeless style that is perfect for any décor or space. No matter where you place the Montroy cube, it is sure to make an impression. Available in several hand-painted finishes, you can customize your planter box to suit any design scheme. If you want to create something truly striking, combine multiple square boxes. 

    Why Buy The Montroy Cube Square Planter Box?

    The Montroy Cube Square Planter Box benefits from visually appealing clean lines and geometric shapes. It's best suited to a contemporary or modern space. Not only does it look fantastic, but it is also weather-resistant, with an easy-clean finish and super-durable build. This is an investment that will pay back in dividends for years to come.

    Put your plants center stage with this simple yet stylish planter built to exude elegance and sophistication. Place it along walkways, flank doorways, or display it in the office to add some life. If you have smaller spaces to fill, choose the smaller size planters. 

    The Montroy is built to withstand all the elements, made of tough fiberglass that won't break down or wear over time. You have a choice of customized finishes to help you adapt the planter to your décor. The Montroy Cube Square Planter Box is sleek, contemporary, and, due to its minimalist design, can adapt and evolve to any changes in the décor of your room for years to come.

    • Drainage: Drainage holes are optional

      Material: Fiberglass

      Finish: We offer a wide range of U.V. resistant finishes

      Dimensions & Weights

      69141.16 – 16″L x 16″W x 16″H – 12.8″L x 12.8″W opening – 12.1 lb

      69141.22 – 22″L x 22″W x 22″H – 17.5″L x 17.5″W opening – 20.3 lb

      69141.24 – 24″L x 24″W x 24″H – 22″L x 22″W opening – 32.2 lb

      69141.28 – 28″L x 28″W x 28″H – 23.2″L x 23.2″W opening – 39.7 lb

      69141.32 – 32″L x 32″W x 32″H – 28.8″L x 28.8″W opening – 53.8 lb

      69141.36 – 36″L x 36″W x 36″H – 33″L x 33″W opening – 68.3 lb

      69141.40 – 40″L x 40″W x 40″H – 36.8″L x 36.8″W opening – 88.4 lb

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылка69141-montroy-square-planter-boxes
    • Тип продукцииPlanters
    • Группа продукцииSquare
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2021-05-18
    • Номер версии1
    • Основной материалFiberglass
    • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Страна-производительВьетнам
    • Категория BIMobjectЛандшафтный дизайн - Мебель для улицы
    • Классификация IFCПредмет мебели
    • Название по ССКПУ ООНFurniture and Furnishings
    • Код ССКПУ ООН56
    • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_45_63_63
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Plant containers
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201432 94 33
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Planters
    • Номер OmniClass23-11 27 13 17
    • Наименование OmniClassPlanters
    • Код CSI UniFormat IIE20
    • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIFURNISHINGS

    Доступно в регионах:

    Северная Америка
    Соединенные Штаты Америки

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