Owens Corning® FOAMULAR® & FOAMULAR® NGX™ CI-C Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Rigid Foam Insulation are closed cell moisture resistant durable rigid foam board intended for use under a variety of coatings including EIFS and stucco systems.
FOAMULAR® & FOAMULAR® NGX™ CI-C are classified as a Type X/Type 2 product when tested in accordance with ASTM C578/CAN ULC S701 and provide stable thermal performance of R-5 per inch. Removal of the extruded skin surfaces provide smooth, flat, and parallel surfaces ideal as a base for coated surface materials.
Like all FOAMULAR® & FOAMULAR® NGX™ XPS insulation products, CI-C is made with Owens Corning’s patented Hydrovac process technology under strict quality control measures. The patented Hydrovac process technology makes it durable and highly resistant to moisture and permits the product to retain high R-value year after year - even after exposure to moisture and freeze-thaw cycling.
FOAMULAR® NGX™ CI-C contains the additional benefit of being manufactured with a blowing agent formulation that delivers a 90% reduction to Global Warming Potential (100 year), including the complete elimination of HFC 134a.1
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