EverServe™ Grille Model 671S is built with a springless design for continued, reliable operation and advanced cycle life. The high strength curtain made from galvanized steel links and solid rods provide advanced durability and security. This upward coiling security grille allows maximized air movement and visibility, while also featuring universal components to increase the ease of serviceability.
Advantages of a springless rolling security grille
The EverServe™ Grille platform is an industry leading, performance driven solution to enhance our Rolling Security Grille product line. The EverServe™ Grille system provides customers with high cycle performance, security, durability, maximized air movement and visual access while delivering a reliable system, minimizing downtime with ease of serviceability. The springless design builds on the proven construction of the Overhead Door™ Rolling Security Grille line, adding significant enhancements to provide 15 times the standard cycle life.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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