When your project requires a door that can handle high wind load conditions, yet is attractive, versatile and economical, the Model 790CW rolling sheet door fits the job. This rolling sheet door is rated for a design pressure from 22/-22psf (for a 20’0” wide door) to 41/-41psf (for a 10’0” wide opening), and can be built up to 16’0” tall. This rolling sheet door is available in 12 standard colors.
Fabricated of high strength, 26-gauge galvanized steel curtain sections, 14-gauge universal guides, and steel bottom bar angle, the 790CW rolling sheet door is a strong and durable door. With quick-connect components, universal through-hole guide design, and unique curtain profile and stepped counterbalance rings that minimize nesting, this door is designed for fast installation, smooth operation and low maintenance, too.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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