ProStar™ Model 770SS
The Model 770SS rolling sheet door is a great option for facilities that require a quality door that installs quickly, operates dependably, and requires minimal maintenance. Like the other doors of our rolling sheet door line, this 26-gauge door features quick-connect components that simplify and speed installation while ensuring door sturdiness. Stepped counterbalance rings and a unique curtain profile ensure a tight curtain wrap resulting in a smooth operating door and minimal nesting. A host of other standard features from standard roller bearings and dual rub strips on both guide edges and both front edges of the curtain further promote smooth operation and longer life. Available in 12 standard colors, the Model 770SS represents a good choice and a good value.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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