RapidFlex® 992
RapidFlex® Model 992 is a strutted, heavy duty interior/exterior high speed fabric door with independently tested wind load of up to 4.0 psf. Its industry-leading standard safety features include reversing edge, two sets of infrared obstruction detection sensors and door stop device.
Our RapidFlex® Model 992 high speed strutted rolling fabric door is perfect for manufacturing, food and beverage, cold storage, warehouse and distribution facilities.
Engineered For High Cycles
Our RapidFlex® Model 992 high speed door features a spring-less design for minimal interruption and maintenance, a direct-mounted gear drive which helps to minimize wear and tear, and it's variable frequency drive minimizes sudden jolts when the door starts and stops. This high speed rolling door has a strut design allowing for quick fabric section replacement and the struts reduce curtain deflection when door is under pressure.
Low Maintenance
This high speed fabric door provides a low maintenance solution with the break-away design, impact detection features, push button self-repair and plug and play wiring which reduces the need for a licensed electrician.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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