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O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot
    O2D Environnement

    O2D Mineral Foundation for light vehicle parking lot

    O2D mineral foundation for light vehicle parking is recommended in the context of the development of permeable paved or gravel parking spaces.

    This foundation material, which is recommended by O2D ENVIRONNEMENT, is comprised of open-graded crushed roadbed, with no fine particles. The technical characteristics of this mineral foundation material have been defined in conjunction with the TTE® permeable floor covering: TTE® grids for paving infill (O2D PAVE) or gravel infill (O2D MINERAL).

    Recommended composition of mineral foundation:

    • 15 cm thickness: 2/20 mm or 2/32 mm crushed roadbed foundation
    • 3 cm thickness: 4/6 mm or 3/8 mm crushed roadbed bearing course

    Prepared base / sub-base (-23 cm in relation to level 0):

    • The requisite permeability below this foundation system is such that K > 10-6 m/s
    • The load-bearing level required is such that EV2 > 40MPa (EV2/EV1 < 2)
    • We recommend the installation of a permeable anti-contaminant geotextile membrane

    This mineral foundation composition ensures both load-bearing capability and drainage.

    It is recommended that the thickness of the sub-base (for example, 20/40 mm crushed drainage gravel) should be adjusted and/or any other facility should be incorporated, if the natural ground surface does not possess the requisite infiltration properties, or for the satisfaction of project design requirements.

    The load-bearing level should be appropriate to the intended application.

    - Permeable paved parking spaces
    - Permeable gravel parking spaces
    - PRM-accessible permeable parking spaces
    - Pedestrian or cycles paths

    • Recommended deployment for the creation of a mineral foundation for permeable paved or gravel light vehicle parking spaces:

      - Preparation of base structure

               o  Mechanical or manual execution of excavation and backfill operations, up to the sides of the base structure: - 23 cm in relation to level 0
               o  Surface adjustment and levelling to an altimetric accuracy of +/- 2 cm/m
               o  Confirmation of a permeability coefficient K > 10-6 m/s
               o  Confirmation of the load-bearing capability of ground such that EV2 > 40 MPa, where EV2/EV1 < 2
               o  Clean-up of roadways employed

      - Installation of edging to the concrete foundation, the shoulder of which, at its highest point, is 8 cm below the levelled surface.

      - Installation of a permeable anti-contaminant geotextile membrane

      - Execution of a draining foundation

               o  Adjustment, levelling and compaction of a foundation layer comprised of crushed roadbed of particle size 2/20 mm or 2/32 mm; finished thickness after rolling: 15 cm (or - 8 cm from the levelled edging surface).
               o  Levelling and compaction of a bearing course comprised of crushed roadbed of particle size 4/6 mm or 3/8 mm ; finished thickness: 3 cm (or - 5 cm from the levelled edging surface).

      - Installation of O2D FYNET laying mesh mm

      - Installation of TTE® grids, with paving infill (O2D PAVE) or gravel infill (O2D MINERAL)/

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаmineral-foundation-parking-lot
    • Тип продукцииComplete Systems
    • Группа продукцииMineral parking lot for light vehicules
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2019-09-11
    • Номер версии1
    • Высота (мм)180
    • Основной материалЦельный природный камень
    • Разработано вФранция
    • Страна-производительФранция
    • Категория BIMobjectСтроительные материалы - Мощение плиткой и камнями
    • Классификация IFCFloor
    • Название по ССКПУ ООНStone or tile flooring
    • Код ССКПУ ООН30161706
    • Код Uniclass 2015Ss_30_14
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Paving systems
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201432 01 19
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Rigid Paving Surface Treatment
    • Номер OmniClass23-11 21 17
    • Наименование OmniClassPaving Blocks
    • Код CSI UniFormat IIB1010
    • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIFloor Construction

    Доступно в регионах:

    Европа Южная Америка Северная Америка Океания Африка
    Французская Гвиана
    Новая Каледония
    о-ва Уоллис и Футуна
    Сен-Пьер и Микелон