Architectural Super Durable Fine Textured Bonded Powder Coatings
Impressive colour shades with metallic effect on fine texture finish, all of which display advanced abrasion and scratch resistance. The 21 shades of the Sahara series provide a large variety of unique chromatic propositions, in line with the latest trends in contemporary architecture and industrial design. All the Sahara colour shades are super durable powder coatings, approved according to Qualicoat, Class 2 and they are at least three times more weather resistant than Class 1 powder coatings.
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Европа |
Австрия |
Аландские острова |
Албания |
Андорра |
Беларусь |
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Босния и Герцеговина |
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о-в Мэн |
Папский Престол (Государство-город Ватикан) |
Польша |
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Румыния |
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