For precise, non-parametric 'static' Revit and IFC models, please check the 3D configurator under 'Links - Tendering Information'.
NanaWall PrivaSEE is the only all glass single track sliding system specifically engineered for enhanced acoustical separation. PrivaSEE provides better sound buffering than many fixed all glass partitions. Patent pending PrivaSEE has been independently tested and rated to an accomplished STC of 36 and OITC of 30.
PrivaSEE offers flexible space management solutions for offices, banks, schools, and more which goes beyond what a fixed glass partition provides. With no floor track required, PrivaSEE allows for uninterrupted transitions between interior spaces.
When the wall is closed, the beauty of an all glass aesthetic is realized with the added benefit of acoustical sound privacy. With concealed compression gaskets and locking, PrivaSEE allows for maximum transparency, natural daylighting and a clean, modern appearance making it suitable for all design styles.
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