Folding/Sliding System | Matching Fixed/Tilt Turn System |
WA67 | WA68 |
With tilt-turn hardware, large size operable openings are possible.
For units used as transoms, tilt-only hopper windows can be supplied with operators so that high units can be easily opened and closed.
The tested sample unit of the WA68 aluminum-clad wood framed tilt turn window met the performance requirements of AAMA DAW-C50 1122 x 1822 (48 x 72).
NanaWall® French Doors are available as single doors or as pairs. NanaWall® French Doors use exactly the same profiles and hardware as the matching NanaWall® Folding Door System. Hence, the same size charts, glazing options, wood/finish options, and finish hardware options as the matching NanaWall® Folding Door System are available. The same testing performance results also apply (within a folding system, with an odd number of panels stacking to one side, the last panel is a swing door).
Fixed units are available for transoms above a folding or individual panel sliding unit. Center lines can be lined up. Sidelites are available with frame extenders so that horizontal glass lines are approximately the same. Complete storefronts are also available with a combination of mulled units.
For WA68 systems, standard woods available are Pine, or Meranti. Other woods are also available.
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