Ride Ring – the perfect addition to the Ride product family. With a profile of only 35x35 mm, this luminaire is one of the slimmest LED lighting systems currently on the market. The ring is available as a pendant or surface luminaire in two diameters, 750 mm and 1450 mm. The converter built into the body creates a minimalist ceiling base, which perfects the lighting effect down to the tiniest detail. There is a choice of black, white and silver powder coated colours. To use Ride Ring as system luminaire as well, a 90° and 180° circular segment is available in the two diameters, which can be variably connected variably, with or without the relevant linear profiles to create a variaty of shapes . Planners and architects can give their creativity free rein with this system. With Ride Ring as an individual luminaire or in a system, different project requirements can be optimally covered.
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