Whether you have a single-family home, apartment/condo, or live in a gated community, our access control systems give you multiple options for managing your access points. With entry systems to keypads, card readers to perimeter alert systems, our lineup of feature-rich options provides the perfect access control system solutions to meet your needs.
Universal Compatibility - Use with 26-Bit, 30-Bit and 37-Bit Wiegand-Compatible Readers, Receivers and RFID Readers.
Remote Programming - and activity monitoring using myQ Business.
Configurable Email Notifications - Know when codes are overused or if service is needed for the CAPXL, CAP2D or gate operator.
Flexibility of Device Placement - No Wiring Between Controllers and Power Over Ethernet.
Reliable and Secure
Keeps Data Protected - and Safeguards Resident Information with Cloud-Based Security.
Real-Time Activity Tracking and Alerts - for example, when a suspended code is used or if an active code is being overused.
Entry Even When the Internet is Down - Local System Memory allows entry even when the internet is down.
Data Over Internet - provides reliable communication of all access activity.
Compact Size - Easily fits In Standard Locations.
Multiple Ways to Connect CAP2D to LiftMaster Cloud
•Wired High-Speed
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