Vibe partition screens set you free. You can easily connect a number of screens into customised systems, with or without castors. There is a great selection of legs for the freestanding screens, so you match it to your desk or create a personalised version.
Vibe includes a large number of floor, wall, ceiling and desktop screens available in many sizes, colours and designs. Use Vibe to quickly transform your open-space working environments into rooms within the room in which teams can work efficiently and without interruption. To sit screened off but not entirely isolated, choose a room divider with shelves. Choose between pre-determined combinations or a system that is fully customised to your office – the possibilities are limitless. The screens are sound-absorbent (Vibe Focus) and provide healthy acoustics and privacy at the workplace. By choosing between accessories and colours, you can also add your personal touch to the environment. Optional: Seamed detail.
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