The Trippo shelf (Ulla Christiansson 2002) is developed from the Trippo table that was presented in 2000. The unique feature of the shelf is its beveled back that kind of floats from the wall. Trippo is the shelf with chamfered backs that float from the wall. The shelf is available in three widths, three depths and seven different heights and the gap between the shelves is 234 or 330 mm. The shelf unit is made from blockboard, finished in birch veneer, natural-colored oak veneer or standard colors.
Clothes rail are available as optional accessories. Trippo is secured to the wall using wood list. A family of table and chair that are home in any surroundings: dining rooms, kitchens, conference rooms, offices, living rooms, TV rooms, bedrooms, coffee corners, lobbies, receptions, hotel rooms, reading rooms, libraries – Trippo is as versatile as your imagination!
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