Kalfire G125/37C is a closed gas fireplace. The size or style of a room is not an obstacle – our closed gas fires are suitable for any type of interior. We design our models with perfection in mind and never compromise on quality or style.
3D burner (Kalfire G-range)
Like the Prestige burner, this innovation was designed and developed by Kalfire. It allows an elongated, horizontal fireplace (up to 170 cm in width) that suits contemporary interiors perfectly. A closed gas fireplace equipped with a 3D burner produces flames that are virtually indistinguishable from those of a wood fire. Fireplaces with a 3D burner are supplied with a ceramic log set as standard, but it is also possible to choose an exclusive log set or a bed of white, beige or grey stones or cryptonite.
Corner model
Our corner gas fire models offer a view of the fire from two different angles. Kalfire corner models come in a wide range of widths and heights. You can also choose whether you want the glass corner to face to the left or the right. In addition, you can customize your corner model with a flat interior, a ceramic glass interior, or a design interior. These options are also available for other types of Kalfire gas fires.
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