Launched in 1995, JBL’s best-selling EON family of PAs set the benchmark for how great a powered loudspeaker system can be.
The JBL EON715 15-inch loudspeaker is part of JBL’s new EON700 Series of powered PAs, which represents a major step forward in innovation and technology by delivering truly intelligible, clearly consistent coverage at any volume level.
The EON700 Series leverages the latest acoustic science, transducer designs, cabinet materials and advanced DSP and control technologies to deliver extraordinary performance in a fully professional, highly flexible, easy to use, portable system.
With four models available, including the 10-inch EON710, the 12-inch EON712 and the 15-inch EON715 powered PA speakers and the 18-inch EON718S subwoofer, EON700 systems cover the needs of today’s working musicians and sound providers.
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