The compact, weather-resistant JBL GSF3 landscape loudspeaker provides superior fidelity and wide coverage in a range of outdoor commercial applications, with a custom two-way coaxial 3-inch driver system that delivers full-range, crystal-clear sound. (Extend system bass response with JBL GSB8 or GSB12 in-ground landscape subwoofers.) This versatile speaker features a 15-watt multi-tap transformer for use on 70V/100V distributed systems, and is switchable for 8-ohm direct operation.
Versatile mounting options include an included ground stake for in-ground installation and an L-bracket for secure mounting on either horizontal or vertical surfaces. A low-profile, unobtrusive speaker, the GSF3 blends right into its surroundings, and is aimable for precise coverage via an adjustable hinge. Available in hunter green and tan finishes.
The elegant, discreet GSF3—winner of international design awards for industrial design excellence—is the perfect sound solution for diverse outdoor applications including shopping malls, theme parks, sports venues, hospitality venues, and any application calling for a stylish, robust, great-sounding landscape speaker system.
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