The RM-45-SD-HC Glass Door Merchandiser is a two section refrigerator with a full glass sliding doors is the perfect beverage or packaged product display for any operation. It boasts an impressive storage capacity of 45ft3 (560: 20oz bottles, or 1260: 12oz cans). The durable 1/3 HP motor that powers the compressor in the bottom of this unit efficiently cools the interior cabinet with a forced air evaporator for quick cool down. It’s ENERGY STAR® qualified particularly in hot humid environments!
The durable silver painted aluminum exterior, white steel interior with stainless steel floor and bright energy efficient led interior product lights and exterior canopy lights showcases any product within! The RM-45-SD-HC includes (5 per section) white epoxy coated wire coated wire shelves with product stops, comes standard with (8) 2" leveling legs, and it features an dependable interior dial controller and side mount themometer (°f or °c). Optional kits: 4" Casters, Organizer Shelf, Price Tag Holder, Additional epoxy shelf. The unit is UL EPH Listed, ENERGY STAR® Qualified and includes a five years compressor warranty / three years parts and labor warranty.
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