Low-E and Solar Control
Light is beautiful. Excessive heat is not. SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass offers three different product series — SuperNeutral, High Performance, Solar — to create striking statements of light and color while earning LEED points and controlling energy costs.
SuperNeutral Series Low-E - SuperNeutral products deliver high light transmittance while reducing solar heat gain. Their neutral appearance is the most similar to clear uncoated glass.
*NEW* SuperNeutral SNE 50/25 - SNE 50/25 is high performance & mid-reflectivity, design aesthetic & flexibility, practical & skyline defining. Welcome to SNE 50/25. It is the very best of all worlds, created to beautifully solve the balance between architectural beauty & outstanding results.
SunGuard IS 20 - An interior surface coating that can be used on a double or triple glaze insulating glass unit to lower the u-factor by an additional .05 of a point.
*NEW* Project Specific Custom BIM Content – Request project specific custom content from the Guardian BIM Generator. The BIM Generator works with the Guardian Performance Calculator as part of a suite of online Glass Analytic tools. These tools are a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools that demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building facades. The Performance Calculator provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for a glass make-up ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations of substrates, coatings and interlayers. These project specific created make-ups can then be integrated into the Guardian Building Energy Calculator to compare energy cost and consumption information based on hourly simulations of user specified glass make-ups, building parameters and geography. Once a selection has been made from the comparative tools, you have the ability to request project specific custom BIM content from within the Performance Calculator. Content is available as a curtain wall panel or a window based generic model.
For Glass Analytic tools click here.
For Glass Visualizer tool click here.
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